How Do Other Vestries Handle This?
Learning from and with fellow vestry members.
Wednesday, March 8 – 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Thursday, March 9 – 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m
Today, we are pleased to present an overview for next year’s Vestries and Wardens Pre-Conference at EPN’s annual gathering at the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville.
As vestry and chapter members in Episcopal parishes and cathedrals, we are responsible for the wellbeing of our clergy and congregations, act as fiduciaries for the church’s financial health, provide efficient governance for our congregational life, and oversee the physical health of our buildings. Most importantly, we ensure our parishes and cathedrals are engaged with the broader church and surrounding communities.
While a fulfilling ministry, lay leadership as a vestry/chapter member also can be challenging and exhausting. The good news is you are not alone. During our time together:
- We will engage in a facilitated conversation among leaders of varying church sizes.
- Next, we will split into small groups similar in congregational size for more intimate conversations.
- Finally, we will close with challenging conversations like handling clergy issues, managing financial opportunities/challenges, and recruiting vestry/chapter members, among other topics.
Attendance at this Pre-Conference is limited to vestry and chapter members.
2023 Virtual Follow-Up Meetings
This session will involve follow-up virtual meetings throughout 2023 with the goal of developing a Community of Practice to support EPN lay leaders throughout the year.
Facilitating our time together will be:
Mr. George Belshaw – Christ Church Parish; Greenwich, Connecticut
Ms. Stephanie Curcuru – St. Alban’s Parish; Washington, D.C.
Mr. Britton Gregory – St. David’s Parish; Austin, Texas
Mr. Ray Hill – St. Philip’s Cathedral; Atlanta, Georgia
Ms. Nicole Spencer – St. James Cathedral; Chicago, Illinois
Ms. Susan Zint – St. Gregory’s Church; Deerfield, Illinois
Pre-Conferences are role-based and designed for learning from and with your peers. For more information about this Pre-Conference Session and others, please click the button link.