Dr. Sam Wells
A Perennial Favorite
Episcopal Parish Network (EPN) is excited to welcome the Rev. Dr. Sam Wells, Vicar of St. Martin-in-the-Fields (London), to the Annual Conference once again.
Dr. Wells will share his insights and lessons learned on what it means for us as faithful people to be with God on the edge by serving others living on the edge. Through growth, discovery, and innovation, we can joyfully find God at the margins — just as Jesus did.
Dr. Wells has been the Vicar of St. Martin-in-the-Fields since 2012 and served as a parish priest for 20 years — ten of those in urban priority areas. He also spent seven years in North Carolina, where he was the Dean of Duke University Chapel. He is the founder of the HeartEdge Network, an ecumenical network supporting local ministries.
The third of four keynote speakers, Dr. Wells will journey with us to the edge to help fortify parish ministry in the Episcopal Church. Watch in the weeks to come for more information on speakers at the 2023 Annual Conference.
Registration Opens October 1, 2022.