Evolving to Meet Your Parish Needs—Did You Know…

Episcopal Parish Network Is Our Name

In February 2022, the CEEP Network became the Episcopal Parish Network (EPN) to fully reflect our commitment to support lay and clergy leaders in parishes around the Church and across the country in their unique ministries—regardless of size and resources.

Now You Know…

  • EPN has 230 members, and we are growing.
  • Our members come from the four corners of the country ¾ from New York to California and from Maine to Texas and every place between.
  • Our members’ varied resources are invaluable and include talent, creativity, capital, and money supporting unique parish ministries in many diverse contexts.

Soon you will be invited to renew your membership or to become a new member. We hope you will help us in God’s work to strengthen parishes for a changing Church and world.

Contact Joe Swimmer today for more information at 415-505-8449 or jswimmer@episcopalparishes.org

Please join us for the 2023 Annual Conference,
March 8 to 11 in Jacksonville, FL!

Registration Opens October 1, 2022.