The concept of creating a national consortium of endowed Episcopal parishes to share dreams for the Church emerged in 1980 at the College of Preachers, Washington Cathedral. The founding clergy, including the Rev. Roger White, the Rev. Bob Brown, and the Very Rev. Roger Gray, gathered shortly thereafter at Christ Church Cathedral, Indianapolis, for a pre-organization meeting. The Rev. Loren Mead served as the consultant to help the group envision and articulate aspirations for the future of the consortium.
The Consortium of Endowed Episcopal Parishes (CEEP) was incorporated as a 501 (c) (3) in the state of Indiana in 1985. Again, Loren Mead led the first membership meeting of CEEP held at the House of the Redeemer, New York City, with the Most Rev. Ed Browning present. Highlighting the first gathering was an “altar call” for attendees to come forward and make financial commitments to the organization. The Rev. Robert MacGill was named the first Executive Director.
The name of the organization has evolved over the years to better reflect the broadening focus of its original mission to serve and empower leadership in parishes. First, the Consortium of Endowed Episcopal Parishes was shortened to the CEEP Network. And in 2022, the name became Episcopal Parish Network (EPN), honoring the past, present, and future of the association.