00:11:46 Rick Voit: We were supposed to start at quarter ’til??? 00:12:14 Michael Burke: I was just about to log out when they let me in. 00:12:31 Joe Swimmer: Good afternoon and welcome! Thanks for joining us for this conversation on the state of philanthropy and giving in the current moment. EPN is pleased to partner with our friends from Horizons Stewardship for this conversation (www.horizons.net). Please know we recognize that the experiences discussed in this workshop might not represent the breadth of experiences in all churches. However, we hope you garner insights that will spark conversation within your teams and leadership groups. We ask that you post your questions or comments in the CHAT feature here and our panel will try to get to them throughout the session. 00:12:52 Joe Swimmer: We invite you to put your name, parish name, and location in the CHAT for the benefit of our panelists. If your parish is not a member of Episcopal Parish Network, we invite you to join our work. Our 240+ members make programs like this one possible. More about membership can be learned by e-mailing us at info@episcopalparishes.org or https://episcopalparishes.org/epn-members. 00:13:14 Rick Voit: We were supposed to start 15 minutes ago? 00:14:38 Joe Swimmer: Friends - Apologies if the calendar invite was incorrect. We start all our workshops at 3pm ET. Seems we sent out an incorrect notice. Thanks for your patience and we will correct future notices. 00:14:56 Robert Nelms: Bobby Nelms St. Peter’s Parish New Kent, VA 00:15:03 Gareth Dehner: Gareth Dehner The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd Lexington KY 00:15:07 Joe Swimmer: For those who just joined, we're glad you're here. Please post your questions or comments in CHAT feature. Also, if you just joined, please post your name and parish/location in the CHAT! 00:15:15 Sherrie Simmonds: Sherrie Simmonds, St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Anchorage, Alaska 00:15:15 Sandra Cosman: Sandra Cosman - Christ Church, Pomfret, CT 00:15:23 Clint Dawson: Clint Dawson St. James Austin 00:15:28 Kenneth Saitow: Ken Saitow, Saint Peter’s Fernandina Beach, FL 00:15:33 Tom Stice: Tom Stice, St. John's Cathedral, Spokane, WA 00:15:38 Jacqueline Soltys: Jacqueline Soltys, Church of the Good Shepherd, Norfolk, VA 00:15:40 Ann Cramer: Many many thanks for offering this seminar!!! Ann Wilson Cramer - St. Luke's - Atlanta 00:15:41 Rebecca Miller: Rebecca Miller, Episcopal Diocese of Ohio, Cleveland Ohio 00:15:43 Denise Miller: Denise Miller, St. Hubert's, Kirtland Hills Ohio 00:15:49 Diane McOmie: Diane McOmie The Chapel of the Cross Chapel Hill NC 00:15:51 Jessica Church: Jessica Church, St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church, Washington, DC 00:16:01 Carolyn Glosby: Carolyn Glosby, St. Anne, West Chester OH 00:16:05 Noah Jones: Noah McBrayer Jones (he/him) | Bridge Refugee Services in East Tennessee 00:16:06 Bob Henry: bob henry hot springs, sd 00:16:12 philip rollinson: Philip Rollinson, Episcopal Church of the Advent, Kennett Square, PA 00:16:14 Jane Thompson: Jane Thompson, St Martin's Charlotte, NC 00:16:27 Jennifer Morris: Jennifer Morris, St. Peter & All Saints, Kansas City, MO 00:16:32 Minnie Shorter: Minnie Shorter, Treasurer, St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Lewes, DE 00:16:54 Erin Sacco Pineda: Erin Sacco Pineda - ESP Accounting, a fractional CFO for All Saints Pasadena, St. Paul's Cathedral - San Diego, and several others 00:17:09 Hal Lawrence: Hal Lawrence, Treasurer, Emmanuel Episcopal, Petoskey, MI 00:17:27 Lynn Farlin: Lynn Farlin Diocese of Southern Virginia, Newport News VA. 00:17:27 Jessie Ann Owens: Jessie Ann Owens, Treasurer, The Episcopal Church of St. Martin, Davis CA 00:17:28 Carmen Petruzzi: Carmen Petruzzi, St. Dunstan’s, Bethesda, MD 00:17:30 Catherine Wolford: Cathy Wolford, Christ Church, Shaker Heights, OH 00:17:30 Scott Heersche: Scott Heersche - DOF, Good Shepherd, Lexington, KY 00:17:50 Marilyn Patterson: Marilyn Patterson, CFO The church of St. John the Divine Houston, TX 00:18:29 Branan Cooper: Branan Cooper, Episcopal Church of the Advent, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania 00:18:34 Scott Compton: Scott Compton, St Bartholomew’s, New York City 00:19:27 Willie Black: Willie Black - Vestry member @ Christ Church New Brighton, Staten Island, NY 00:19:50 Peter Juve: Peter Juve Saint Mary's Napa CA 00:21:25 Theresa Brion: Theresa Brion, St. John's, West Point, VA 00:22:27 Nancy Trubee: Nancy Trubee, St. Brigit Episcopal, Frederick, Colorado 00:23:21 Michael Burke: Michael Burke, St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Anchorage Alaska 00:23:47 Joe Swimmer: Friends - Again, apologies for anyone who entered the room early. Appears it was a glitch in our system. We are working to make sure it doesn’t happen again. And, please know we start all our workshops at 3pm ET (unless we announce a different start time). Thanks for your patience. 00:26:54 Rick Voit: Rick Voit, St. John’s Cathedral Spokane WA 00:36:41 Joe Swimmer: As a reminder, please post questions and comments in the CHAT feature. The panel will get to them as time permits. Thanks again for joining. 00:37:03 Willie Black: There is a horrible echo that is saying all spoken words in duplicate. 00:38:00 Jan Vetrhus: Jan Vetrhus, Christ Church, Madison, IN 00:39:33 Vanvisa Sivali: @willie Black, you might want to try leaving the meeting and re-entering. I am not having any issues with the audio. 00:48:22 Ann Cramer: MortarStone: https://mortarstone.com/ 00:49:37 Joe Swimmer: Here is the address for company Joe mentioned: Mortarstone.com 00:52:55 Joe Swimmer: For those who have to leave us early, thanks for joining today. The conversation will continue a bit longer. Please post questions and comments in the CHAT feature. The workshop is being recorded and will be available in the next day. If you registered, you will receive a link to the recording and PowerPoint. You will also find it in our Workshop Library at: https://episcopalparishes.org/digital-workshop-library/ Thanks, again, to our panel for sharing this lovely time and helping us move into summer. We hope you found this a useful conversation. Thanks to our partners at Horizons for this important conversation. There are additional digital workshops on raising money for funding endowments, building maintenance, security, finance, and communications coming up in the next month. We hope you join us as you are available. You can see a list here: www.episcopalparishes.org/upcoming-workshops/ More workshops are added regularly. 01:00:52 Joe Swimmer: Please post any questions or comments to the chat! 01:01:36 Erin Sacco Pineda: If a church has had an unsuccessful (incomplete) capital campaign, what are some ideas about how to communicate/heal the disappointment and lost trust? 01:01:44 Katherine Krile: Some members of our parish are very uncomfortable linking financial generosity and their spiritual growth. Can you suggest strategies to mitigate these concerns? 01:01:50 Joe Swimmer: For the question on what the statement Kristine made earlier, it is: Grounded in Gratitude, Revealed in Prayer and Lived in Faith 01:04:21 Claudia Deane: What would you say are the main misunderstandings that everyday parish members have about donating to the church that might factor into their not donating? Do they think churches are wealthy and don't need help? Do they think the national church is funding their parish? 01:06:39 Peter Juve: Clergy is key to openness and creating an environment to discuss openly fund raising. What are seminaries doing to advance this issue? 01:07:15 Bob Henry: how do you recognize generous doners without intimating that they will be calling the shots and making less generous doners feel bad? 01:07:21 Jacqueline Soltys: You said that 1/3 of churches will be unsustainable in 5 years (not sure if this is Episcopal churches or mainline or all). Are there any Dioceses that are assessing their parishes and addressing this challenge directly? 01:13:27 Carmen Petruzzi: Very good presentation. Thank you. 01:20:40 Robert Nelms: As a follow up any closing comments on connecting the next generations 20 30 40 year olds? Pray 01:21:42 Joe Swimmer: We will share the slides with the recording. 01:26:27 Joe Swimmer: Thanks, again, to Joe and Kristine for sharing with us today. 

Grateful to everyone for joining us and hope you found it helpful. 

Have a great week! 01:30:42 Jan Vetrhus: Thank you!