00:04:55 Episcopal Parish Network: Good afternoon and welcome! Thanks for joining us for this conversation about parish outreach. We are pleased to partner with our panelists today. EPN is excited to present this program and invites you to learn more about our work at www.episcopalparishes.org. For more of content like this, please join us at our 40th Annual Conference in Kansas City next February 25-28 https://episcopalparishes.org/2025-annual-conference/! Please know we recognize that the experiences discussed in this workshop might not represent the breadth of experiences in all churches. However, we hope you garner insights that will spark conversation within your teams and leadership groups. We ask that you post your questions or comments in the CHAT feature here and our panel will try to get to them throughout the session. 00:06:27 David Morris: Looking at FEMA and PA State grants 00:06:31 Episcopal Parish Network: We invite you to put your name, parish name, and location in the CHAT for the benefit of our panelists. If you must leave early, we are recording it and will send the recording to everyone registered for this session in the next couple of days. If your parish is not a member of Episcopal Parish Network, we invite you to join our work. Our 240+ members make programs like this one possible. More about membership can be learned by e-mailing us at info@episcopalparishes.org or https://episcopalparishes.org/epn-members. 00:06:57 Jeremy Bradley: Jeremy Bradley, St. Mark’s, Richmond, TX. 00:07:02 Emily Williams Guffey: Emily Williams Guffey, Christ Church, Detroit - Seeking guidance with the NGSP application process 00:07:21 David Morris: St Lukes is also looking into grants state and federal 00:07:29 Aaron Walton: Aaron Walton, Tulsa, Oklahoma 00:07:31 Rebecca Miller: Rebecca Miller, Episcopal Diocese of Ohio. Here to learn what might be available to our parishes across northern ohio 00:07:34 Jim Treece: Jim Treece, senior warden, Christ Church Detroit; didn't know any external funds were available for security costs until I saw the announcement of this webinar. (We've been focused on grants for solar panels.) 00:07:53 Phyllis DeLaney: Partnership for Sacred Spaces 00:08:02 Bryan Coussens: Bryan Coussens, St. Martin's Episcopal Church, Des Plaines, IL 00:08:13 Emmanuel Bola Oluloro: I want to know more about available grant 00:08:18 Jane Bearden: In my previous parish, we had local law enforcement do a walk-around, to identify points of entrances that needed to be secured. 00:08:48 Jacqueline Taylor: Dr. Jackie Taylor, Finance Ministry, St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Grand Rapids. also serve on Grants Committee 00:10:11 Episcopal Parish Network: For those who just joined, we're glad you're here. Please post your questions or comments in CHAT feature. Also, if you just joined, please post your name and parish/location in the CHAT! 00:10:54 Molly Ellsworth: Molly Ellsworth, Director of Operations, Trinity Episcopal Church, Indianapolis, IN 00:12:16 Gerry Garber: Gerry Garber, St. Stephen's Cathedral & School, Harrisburg, Pa., Security and Safety Committee. We are exploring state grants to improve building entrances. 00:13:11 David Morris: will the slide deck be available? 00:13:46 Episcopal Parish Network: This is being recorded and a link will be sent to participants in the coming days. 00:16:00 Mary Anne Helms: Mary Anne Helms, Senior Warden at St. Mark's Fort Bend in Richmond, Texas. 00:16:40 Episcopal Parish Network: Wildfire Message: With you, we hold those affected by the wildfires in California in prayer. EPN encourages you to find out more about how you can help at Episcopal Relief and Development’s website (https://www.episcopalrelief.org/what-you-can-do/give/donate-now/individual-donation/?mc_cid=a7a503c963&mc_eid=1505fb27ef) or at the Diocese of Los Angeles website (https://diocesela.org/annual-appeal). 00:27:51 Episcopal Parish Network: As a reminder, please post questions and comments in the CHAT feature. The panel will get to them as time permits. Thanks again for joining. 00:28:26 Jane Bearden: Could we get a copy of the slides 00:35:30 Jane Bearden: I agree Jane 00:43:57 Jacqueline Taylor: We really need a copy of this slide as well as the the one previous. Thank you. 00:44:01 Catherine Beemer: Catherine Beemer, St. George’s Episcopal church 00:46:25 Episcopal Parish Network: For those who have to leave us early, thanks for joining today. The conversation will continue a bit longer. Please post questions and comments in the CHAT feature. The workshop is being recorded and will be available in the next day. If registered, you will receive a link to the recording and materials. You will also find it in our Workshop Library at: https://episcopalparishes.org/digital-workshop-library/ Thanks, again, to our panel for sharing their time and sharing about this important topic. It was terrific to partner with our panelists. We hope you found this conversation useful. There is an additional workshop this week on podcasting. Later this month we will host sessions on pilgrimage and stewardship. We hope you join us as you are available. You can see a list here: www.episcopalparishes.org/upcoming-workshops/ More workshops are added regularly. 00:53:26 Charles O'Morchoe: Are grants available for fire alarm systems 00:53:30 Aaron Walton: Is there a limit on congregation size? Can small churches apply? 00:54:45 Ruth Boeder: are small churches less competitive? 00:55:17 Ruth Boeder: (Ruth Boeder, Christ Church Detroit) 00:56:03 Aaron Walton: Thank you so much for your time today. Is your e-mail available? 00:56:24 Lee Cool: Christins email is on the screen now :) 00:56:27 Aaron Walton: Thank you 00:57:57 Jim Treece: We've gotten a grant for a community EV ridesharing program. Would security/fencing to protect the EV charging station from vandalism qualify as something that could qualify for a security grant? 00:57:57 Episcopal Parish Network: Thanks, again, to our panel for sharing their time and sharing about this important topic. It was terrific to partner with our panelists. We hope you found this conversation useful. There is an additional workshop this week on podcasting. Later this month we will host sessions on pilgrimage and stewardship. We hope you join us as you are available. You can see a list here: www.episcopalparishes.org/upcoming-workshops/ More workshops are added regularly. Thanks, again, for joining us today. And, thanks to our panelists. See you on another workshop soon. 00:58:04 Lori McIntire: Does the NSGP pay the grant writer/administrator fees if awarded? If not awarded, is it just an out of pocket expense for the parish? 00:58:26 Jane Bearden: I was the person that made the comment. We had 6 open doors into the sanctuary. It made sense to lock 4 of the six. Thanks. 00:58:36 Lori McIntire: Thank you 00:59:06 Ruth Boeder: Thank you! 00:59:18 Jeremy Bradley: Thank you! 00:59:19 Phyllis DeLaney: thank you! 00:59:19 Catherine Beemer: Thank you, great info 00:59:23 Louis Burgess: Thanks 00:59:28 Jane Bearden: Thanks